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News about Gadget, Aj Young short film with my music "Arbre Entité". The short film, "Gadget", will be screening at the Jerome Indie Film/Music Festival ! It will play on Friday, June 13th at 11am in the Lighthouse Theatre. [Publié le 2014-06-08 15:07:12]

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Second Annual Jerome Indie Film § Music Festival :
News about Gadget, Aj Young short film with my music "Arbre Entité". The short film, "Gadget", will be screening at the Jerome Indie Film/Music Festival ! It will play on Friday, June 13th at 11am in the Lighthouse Theatre.
programme des films présentés au festival :
Short film Gadget with my music "Arbre Entité" :
Gadget An inventor frantically tries to repair a mysterious device before time runs out. Logan Must Make Star Wars Logan is thrown back to the year 1974 where he accidentally kills George Lucas. Now, to ensure that the greatest sci-fi trilogy is made, he must impersonate Lucas and make Star Wars himself.

Gadet from Lucky Cockroach on Vimeo.

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