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"Between Lands and Longings" on Vimeo - Avant-garde films (music “Itinéraires Danaïde†Written and performed by Julien Boulier “Construction 6†Written and performed by Alpine Creation “Sky that never ends - Two†Written and performed by Clara van Gogh “Cello Chamber†Music by Adam R. McCausland/ “Deep in the Heart of a Rose†Written and performed by Rena Meyer Wiel Additional Audio courtesy of Zierle and Carter | Chamber Made Opera | Steph O’Hara | Nicholas Coghlan) a film by the Public Studio, a Living Room Opera performance by Zierle § Carter, presented by Chamber Made Opera, directed by Ming-Zhu Hii & Nicholas Coghlan [Publié le 2014-07-30 06:12:02]

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 "Between Lands and Longings" on Vimeo - Avant-garde films (

“Itinéraires Danaïde” Written and performed by Julien Boulier
“Construction 6” Written and performed by Alpine Creation
“Sky that never ends - Two” Written and performed by Clara van Gogh
“Cello Chamber” Music by Adam R. McCausland/
“Deep in the Heart of a Rose” Written and performed by Rena Meyer Wiel

Additional Audio courtesy of Zierle and Carter | Chamber Made Opera | Steph O’Hara | Nicholas Coghlan), a film by the Public Studio, a Living Room Opera performance by Zierle § Carter, presented by Chamber Made Opera, directed by Ming-Zhu Hii & Nicholas Coghlan
"Avant-garde" is a word from the French, meaning "ahead of the crowd." In contemporary English, we’d say it’s on the "cutting edge." Avant-garde film makers want to experiment with new ideas, forms, techniques, and expressions—and are often said to be "ahead of their times." Avant-garde films are characterized by a high degree of experimentation—whether it be in manipulation in narrative materials, in highly stylized visual representation, or in radical departures from the norms or conventions current at the time, avant-garde film is always a vehicle for the filmmaker’s expression. Often, avant-garde films focus on the lyrical, the abstract, formal beauty for its own sake—and therefore may avoid conventions of narrative. As such, you might call them cinematic or painterly "poems." Abstract film has also been called "absolute" film. Avant-garde films are often iconoclastic, mocking conventional morality and traditional values ; the filmmaker’s intense interest in eccentricities and extremes may shock for the viewers. Indeed, the avant-garde film maker’s purpose may be to wake or shake up the audience from the stupor of ordinary consciousness or the doldrums of conventional perspective. Such highly expressive and uncoventional films may become cult classics—and acquire the description, avant garde, as a result. This group was created and is maintained by Swedish Artist and experimental filmmaker Anders Weberg.

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